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Why does my hand hurt, and how to remedy it | BY HEIDI


Overuse of the hand, an injury, and certain health conditions can cause pain in all parts of the hand, including the palm, fingers, and wrist.

A person’s hands and wrists consist of many different structures, such as bones, muscles, and joints.

These structures work together to enable a person to perform various tasks. Hand pain can affect a person’s ability to carry out these tasks and reduce their quality of life.

This article will cover some potential causes of hand pain, possible treatments, and when to see a doctor.

Causes of palm pain

There are numerous causes of pain in the palm.


Injuries to the palm can cause pain, swelling, bruising, and other symptoms.

Causes of palm injuries can include:

knocks and blows

landing on the hands during a fall



repetitive trauma from sports or other activities

Soft tissue injuries

A person’s palm contains various soft tissues, such as muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Symptoms of soft tissue damage include:





Sometimes, a person can initially treat soft tissue injuries using the Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) protocol. The RICE protocol involves:

Ice: Apply ice to the area for 20 minutes, several times a day. A person can try using cold packs or frozen bags of vegetables. A person should never apply ice directly to the skin.

Compression: Wear a compression bandage to prevent swelling and additional blood loss.

Elevation: While resting, raise the injury above the heart to help reduce swelling.

If the RICE protocol does not help reduce pain and swelling, a person should speak with their doctor.

Learn more about the RICE protocol here.


A person’s palm contains five long bones called metacarpals. These bones connect the finger and thumb bones to the wrist bones. Trauma to the palm can result in breaks to one or more of the metacarpals.

The most commonly broken bone in the hand is the metacarpal that supports the little finger.

Generally, hand fractures heal well without surgery. Doctors can treat broken bones using splints or casts. More serious fractures may require surgical treatment. For example, some metacarpal fractures require surgery if the fractures affect the fingers’ alignment and range of motion.

Symptoms of a fractured hand include:





inability to move a finger


When does it hurt?

If a person injures their palm, they may experience pain when:

lifting things

holding things

making a fist

playing certain sports, such as basketball or golf

Learn more about fractures here.


Overuse, also known as repetitive strain injury (RSI), occurs when repetitive movements cause the hand to become painful or tense. Pain and tension from muscles in the arms and shoulders can also radiate down to the hands.

Carrying out repetitive or high-intensity activities for long periods or holding the hands in awkward positions for too long can cause RSI.

RSI can occur in several different places in the hand, including the palms, though it is more common in the fingers or wrists.

According to the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), RSI can cause:








Treatment for RSI in the palm includes:

identifying the cause and modifying it to reduce repetitive motions

stopping the activity responsible altogether if necessary

taking rain relieving medication, such as acetaminophen

taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen

using hot or cold packs

A doctor may also recommend physical therapy to treat RSI.

When does it hurt?

Repetitive motions can cause palm pain for a person with an RSI when they:

grip objects

push or press with the palm

do certain sports

Playing golf can cause a person to develop Hypothenar hammer syndrome. This condition occurs when repeated blows from a golf club handle cause blood vessel damage in the palm.

A person should seek evaluation by a doctor before taking any pain medication.

Learn more about acetaminophen and ibuprofen here.

Other causes of palm pain

Other causes of pain in the palm may include:

carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition that causes pain and numbness due to a trapped nerve

other forms of nerve damage



Causes of finger and thumb pain

There are numerous causes of finger and thumb pain.

Trigger finger

Trigger finger, also called stenosing tenosynovitis, occurs when the ring of connective tissue at the base of a thumb or finger becomes swollen.

Swelling of this connective tissue can make it difficult for the tendon passing through it to move. Inflammation of the tendon due to rubbing against the swollen tissue can cause nodules to form. These nodules can cause a sensation of popping or snapping when a person bends their finger.

In severe cases, trigger finger can result in a person being unable to straighten their finger.

Treatment options for trigger finger may include:

resting the finger

immobilizing it with a splint

gentle stretching exercises


having steroid injections


When does it hurt?

Trigger finger can cause pain when a person tries to straighten or bend their finger. Tender nodules at the base of the finger may also be sore to touch.


Scleroderma is an autoimmune condition that causes a person to produce an abnormal amount of collagen. Collagen is a protein that helps provide structure and strength to skin and connective tissues. However, too much collagen can lead to skin and connective tissues becoming hard and thick.

Scleroderma can cause the skin of the fingers to thicken and tighten, which can make them difficult to move.

A form of scleroderma called systemic scleroderma can narrow the blood vessels of the hand. This can lead to pain and tingling, which doctors call Raynaud’s phenomenon.

Early symptoms of scleroderma include:

swollen or puffy fingers

numbness and tingling in fingers or toes

joint pain

weight loss

hands and feet are sensitive to cold

Scleroderma can also cause sores on the fingers and toes as it progresses.

Scleroderma is a chronic condition with no cure. However, steroids, blood pressure medications, and immunosuppressants can help relieve symptoms and prevent the condition from progressing.

When does it hurt?

Scleroderma can affect each person in different ways. Some people with scleroderma may have mild symptoms, while others will experience severe side effects.

Raynaud’s phenomenon

Raynaud’s phenomenon occurs when blood vessels in the fingers or toes temporarily narrow. This narrowing of blood vessels can lead to finger and toes becoming:



blue or white

Raynaud’s phenomenon often occursTrusted Source due to cold temperatures or stress. A flare-up can last minutes or hours, and pain levels can vary. Once a flare-up passes, a person’s skin may tingle or burn.

Doctors are currently unsure of what exactly causes Raynaud’s phenomenon. However, it can be a symptom of other conditions, such as scleroderma.

There is no cure for Raynaud’s phenomenon. MostTrusted Source people with the condition can prevent symptoms by keeping warm. Some people may find that certain medications or surgeries help with symptoms.

Raynaud’s phenomenon caused by another condition may regress if the underlying cause is treated.

When does it hurt?

Raynaud’s phenomenon causes a person to experience pain in cold or stressful situations. This can include taking something out of a freezer or holding a glass of cold water.


Arthritis is a general term for damage to the cartilage. More than 100 different disorders can cause damage to the cartilage and pain, swelling, and stiffness in joints.

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that protects a joint wears away over time. This wear and tear cause the bones in the joint to rub against each other, leading to pain and stiffness.

Another common type of arthritis is rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is an autoimmune condition that occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks the tissues in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation and pain. Over time, this inflammation can lead to permanent joint damage.

RA commonly affects the joints of the fingers and wrists.

Common symptoms of arthritis include:




reduced range of motion

Treatment depends on the type of arthritis but can includeTrusted Source:

physical therapy

weight loss



corticosteroid injections


People with symptoms of RA may need to see a rheumatologist who can prescribe medications to help preserve their joints.

When does it hurt?

Different forms of arthritis may cause pain at other times. Arthritis may cause pain when:

bending or straightening fingers

trying to grip objects

performing repetitive motions, such as typing or texting

trying to pinch objects

in cold weather

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve, which runs through the wrist, becomes compressed or squeezed.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

numbness, tingling, burning, or pain, especially in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers

shock-like sensations in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers

pain or tingling that travels up the forearm to the shoulder

weakness or clumsiness of the hand

dropping things

Most of carpal tunnel syndrome cases begin gradually and without a specific injury. As it progresses, symptoms may occur more frequently and for longer.

As carpal tunnel syndrome can worsen over time, early diagnosis is important.

Treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome can include:

wearing a splint or brace


modifying activities that aggravate the condition

nerve gliding exercises

physical therapy

steroid injections


When does it hurt?

A person may experience pain due to carpal tunnel syndrome during tasks that bend the wrist, such as:

during sleep

using a phone


reading a book

Learn about the best exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome here.

Other causes of finger pain

Other causes of pain in the fingers may include:

extensor tendonitis, also known as mallet or baseball finger, happens when a sudden blow causes a person’s fingertip to droop

ganglion cyst, which is a lump that forms on the finger or wrist


Causes of wrist pain

There are numerous causes of pain in the wrist. Some may occur anywhere on the body, and some are specific to the hand and wrist.

Ganglion cyst

Ganglion cysts are fluid-filled lumps that can develop near joints and tendons in the hand and wrist. These cysts can vary in size but are often harmless and disappear without treatment. Ganglion cysts often develop on the back of the wrist.

Although ganglion cysts usually do not need treatment, they can become painful or limit activity. A doctor can treat a ganglion cyst by:

using splints and anti-inflammatory medication

removing fluid from the cyst and compressing it


Doctors do not know what causes ganglion cysts. However, they may occur alongside conditions such as:


joint or tendon irritation


changes in motion

When does it hurt?

A ganglion cyst may cause pain if it is pressing against a nerve in a person’s wrist.

Other causes of wrist pain





When to see a doctor

A person should talk with a doctor for severe, persistent, or reoccurring pain in the hands or wrists or pain that:

does not get better with home treatment

gets steadily worse

does not respond to treatment that a doctor recommends

may be due to a fall or other injury

occurs along with other symptoms, such as arm pain, a fever, or exhaustion

A person should seek immediate medical attention for:

intense, sudden, unbearable hand pain

a suspected broken wrist or arm

a visible injury to the hand that causes very intense pain

Home remedies

The kind of treatment a person can use to soothe hand pain can depend on the cause of the issue.

Injury and overuse

It is possible to treat minor hand injuries to the palms, fingers, or wrists can using the RICE protocol.

Thoroughly wash and disinfect any minor cuts and cover them with a Band-Aid or another dressing.

Taping an injured finger to the one beside it can help keep the finger still. This can help the finger to heal and prevent pain from movement.

Anti-inflammatory pain medication can reduce pain in the fingers, palms, and wrists.


using topical NSAID gels

applying hot or cold packs to affected areas

NSAID oral medication

using a paraffin wax bath, which coats the hand in wax as a form of heat therapy


Learn about CBD and arthritis here.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Home treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome include:

doing hand and wrist exercises daily

increasing physical activity and exercise

weight loss

stopping smoking cigarettes or tobacco products

modifying activities that cause or worsen symptoms

reducing computer use


The following home remedies may help a person relieve scleroderma hand pain:

keeping affected areas warm

stopping smoking cigarettes

exercising hands

If a person finds that home treatments do not relieve their hand pain, they should speak to their doctor.



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